Content written and edited by Raiden Morana - Copyright 2006 The Baronship of Cove
Content also includesa material from EA Games - Ultima Online, the tealented artist Jason Engle: and our own very talented Darath Mithar.
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Grenadier Trials!

The Grenadier trials have tested the mettle of many a good guardsman who wished to join the Baron's Own.

If the guardsman managed to survive his trials he must then take the Baron's Oath and swear fealty to Cove.

Below are a few excerpts of some famous trials:

Erik Arkay - Jaws Of The Balron

Vince Valentine - The Arctic Ogre Lord's Clubs

Raiden Morana - The Slaying Of The Ice Fiends

The Baron's Oath!

Upon completing their trials aspiring Grenadiers must then swear fealty and take the Barons oath.

Excerpt from Kendall Richter's trials:

And finally, I took to Oath to complete my Grenadier Trials.

It would be an honor to serve as your protector, Cousin.

-Kendall Richter
Regular Guardsman